Sinem Öztürk
Endodontics Specialist

Sinem Öztürk

Personal information

In her spare time, she is interested in pilates, books and travel. She is married and has one child.

Education information

He was born in Adana in 1988. After Meryem Abdurrahim Gizer Primary School, she completed her secondary education at Süreyya Nihat Oral Primary School and graduated from Adana Kurttepe Anatolian High School. He completed his undergraduate education at Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry between 2007-2012.
He served at Samsun Oral and Dental Health Hospital between 2014-2017.
Between 2017 and 2022, he successfully completed his specialty training in Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Endodontics, with his thesis titled "Evaluation of the apical extrusion amounts created by different file systems while removing the root canal filling material".
As of 2022, it started to serve in Antera Dental Clinic.
He works on Root canal treatment, Regenerative endodontics, Vital pulp treatments, Treatment of traumatized teeth and Retreatment treatments.

Antera Dental Clinic Turkey
Antera Dental Clinic Turkey

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