Özgün Karlık

Özgün Karlık

Personal information

He was born on August 30, 1980 in Istanbul. He is married and has a son. Other than his professional interests, he is interested in listening to music, playing the guitar at an amateur level, designing and manufacturing gold jewelry, and woodworking. Traveling, exploring new places and doing sports whenever possible are among his areas of interest.

Education information

He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Antalya and started his dentistry education in 1998. He graduated in 2003. He has been working as a freelance dentist in Antalya for 15 years. After working in various private health institutions and in his own practice in his business life. Antera A.D.S.P. and opened the branch of Antera Dental Polyclinic in Konyaaltı. He is currently working as the Managing Director.

Antera Dental Clinic Turkey
Antera Dental Clinic Turkey

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