
Once you have established the cause of gum disease and recognised the symptoms, your next step is to discuss what gum disease treatment is required. There are a number of types of treatment for gum disease; what you receive will be dependent on the extent of the problem. The main objective when treating a patient is to not only look for a cure for gum disease, but to control the infection before it spreads.

Your dentist will ask you to detail your symptoms and talk through your medical history. This will help to generate a better understanding of the problem and its magnitude. After a thorough examination, your dentist may suggest x-rays to help determine the condition of the teeth and bone structure. In some instances, if the infection is caught early, then they may be able to provide treatment for gingivitis. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that can usually be reversed by removing the plaque buildup and maintaining good oral health. Gingivitis treatment is essential to ensuring your bacterial infection does not develop into periodontitis.

Deep Cleaning
If you have the early signs of gum disease, such as gingivitis, then your dentist or specialist periodontist will begin by cleaning your teeth thoroughly. This process is known as scaling and root planing and begins with a deep clean using an electric toothbrush, gritty toothpaste and specialist instruments called scalers. This helps to remove tartar from the gum line and remove the bacteria from the tooth root where the disease is prone to develop. Extensive scaling may be required if gingivitis has developed into periodontitis. You may need a local anaesthetic injected into your gums to block the feeling, although you will remain conscious during the treatment.

If your gum disease is very severe, you may be referred over to see a specialist periodontologist for gum surgery. Although this is very rare, it is essential when the gum tissue requires extensive repair work.

Antibiotics and Other Medications
Medications may be prescribed in conjunction with a deep cleaning treatment. Antibiotics, alone, are not considered an effective way of treating periodontitis but are still used in severe cases of gum disease. In some instances, medications may be administered to reduce the need for surgery over a longer period of time. Over the counter paracetamol and aspirin may be recommended if patients are suffering with a great deal of pain.

Medicated Mouthwash
Your dentist may recommend using an antiseptic mouthwash to incorporate into your daily routine. By using a mouthwash after brushing, it helps to control the buildup of plaque that forms around the teeth. Gargling your mouth with a medicated rinse ensures any residue is cleared away after brushing.

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